Camping del Mundo

The second full album of Jaune Toujours, but the first released on the own label Choux de Bruxelles.Camping del Mundo puts the social and urban themes Jaune Toujours started exploring on Brusk, in a broader perspective. In a musical formula which had proved its value: songs alternated with solid instrumental pieces, carried by the power of an energetic horn section.
Jamie Renton in fROOTS (august 2002):
Jaune Toujours are a kick ass roots band who hail from Brussels and play their own distinctive form of wild, weird, brassy folk-punk. Had Joe Strummer swapped his guitar for an accordion, had Shane Mc Gowan imbibed vast quantities of Belgium wheat beer instead of vast quantities of... whatever it is he knocks back, had Mano Negra or Les Negresses Vertes hailed from Brussels, well they might all have sounded a bit like this. JT leader Piet Maris has a raw declamatory style reminiscent of the above named, although at the same time very much of his own. He can belt it out or get down ‘n’ dirty, and he also plays the hell out of the accordion, pumping the instrument into new heights of grit and frenzy. Add to this a kicking horn section, and you have one hell of a band.
Piet Maris: vocals & accordion
Théophane Raballand: drums & percussion
Bert Bernaerts: upright bass & trumpet
Christophe Morisset: bass tuba & trombone
Mattias Laga: sax soprano & clarinets
Bart Maris: trumpet
Katia Pohlodkova, Luba Macova & Laïla Amézian: vocals
Recording & Mixing:
Rudy Coclet at Rising Sun Studio.
Benjamin Bertozzi at the Jet Studios