"Quirky world music straight from the heart of Europe but without language or other boundaries!"
Another great Europeana review by Tim from
Be sure to check out their website, full of reviews, a concert calender and more!
Read the full review (in Dutch) on the website or by clicking the link to the right.
We don't speak Hungarian, so we don't know what it actually says, but we thìnk it's a rather positive review of Europeana, Jaune Toujours' new album.
For those of you who do understand the language, you can read the whole article on the website of
And maybe tell us about it ...
"...this is a frontal attack against irrelevance"
A short Europeana review in "Na dann..." magazine.
A frontal attack against triviality!
Read the full review here, or by clicking the link on the right side.
Bart Vanoutrive from Folk magazine met up with Piet Maris for an interview and wrote a very nice review about Europeana.
You can read his review (in Dutch) on the Folk magazine website.
The interview and the review can be found by clicking the link on the right.
Tim Cumming from Songlines gave Europeana 3 stars and wrote an excelent review.
Check his review by clicking the link on the right!
Jamie Renton from fRoots got his hands on a copy of the brand new Jaune Toujours album Europeana and wrote an amazing review. But there is more!
Europeana was also featured in the fRoots favorite albums playlist and compilation cd!
Check out fRoots on their website and buy the magazine in their store!
You can also read the full review by clicking the link on the right.
Karsten Zimalla from the German music magazine Westzeit wrote the following 4 star review (in German) for Europeana:
Die MultiKulti-(diese Beschreibung ist (m.E.völlig zu unrecht) zwar in Verruf geraten, hier aber ausdrücklich positiv gemeint!)Truppe aus Brüssel hat uns ganz schön warten lassen. Denn wenn wir mal die "20sth"-Geburtstagskompilation außer Acht lassen, ist das letzte Album der SoulSkaWorldDubRockJazzPunker schon 5 Jahre alt und die letzte richtige Dland-Tour war 2014. Bevor nun die Entzugserscheinungen zu mächtig werden, gibt es endlich Nachschub. Der ist wie gehabt politisch bewusst - neben dem wilden Stil- und Sprachgemisch, das in sich ja schon ein klares Statement darstellt (mit Flämisch und Französisch auf einer Platte in Belgien ganz besonders!), sowie dem Bekenntnis zur Völkerverständigung im Plattennamen stellen die Kollegen auch eines klar: "Refugees Welcome". Und Die Musik ist so bunt wie der Markt hinter dem Gare du Midi: arabische Elemente (H'bibi) treffen auf BalkanBläser, die sich mit fetten Off-Beats prügeln (Ska-Man) und auch ihre Stadt erklären sie dem Hörer gern nochmal: "Funky Brussels" kocht, sobald Jaune Toujour aufspielen. "Save Le Monde" - "Alles Normaal"!
Imagine us jumping up and down for joy with the first UK review of Europeana by Simon Broughton in the London Evening Standard ‼️
4 stars for Europeana in the albums of the week!
Read Simon's review on the London Evening Standard website or by clicking the link on the right.