3'Ain album Sea of Stories, review on Rootstime

“With titles like "Schuimkop" and "Scrambled Ensor", Ostend is completely ingrained in the record and, with some good will, you can also translate "Lacht" as the sound of a seagull skimming by. "Tango Soleil du Nord", in turn, is thoroughly Brussels and with "Mayaaze", the Flemish-Brabander suspects a translation of "“maar ja, hoor" (a Dutch expression of validation). Nobody says "hoor" here, but they do say "zenne" or "zè", but I could go completely off the mark with this. That is not at all the case with this record, which sometimes sounds dreamy and melancholic, sometimes exuberant and even almost festive. In any case: it is proven once again and to excess that we are dealing here with absolute top musicians. One more word: the artwork by Sarah Baur is particularly beautiful. but it always is....”
Thank you Rootstime.be and Dany Heyvaert for this lovely - and humorous - review!
You can read it in full (in Dutch) through Here or on the pdf document to the right.