
11/01/2023 - 14:00

Showcase Propulse, Le Stock, La Louvière - pictures by Anaïs Michielsens

28/12/2022 - 15:00

Yeay! 3'Ain, Mec Yek & Jaune Toujours on the longlist for selection towards the Belgian Worldwide Music Network Showcases, end of January 2023 at club AB - Ancienne Belgique ! 

26/12/2022 - 17:00
"Parmi les Trésors Vivants et leurs rencontres inédites, le chanteur-accordéoniste de Jaune Toujours, Piet Maris, a invité le talentueux joueur de divan saz Hozan Ibrahim pour une toute nouvelle composition engagée."

"Among the Living Treasures and their unprecedented encounters, the singer-accordionist of Jaune Toujours, Piet Maris, invited the talented divan saz player Hozan Ibrahim for a brand new committed composition."

Have a great weekend with this brand new song, never recorded or played live before: Piet Maris with the talented Hozan Ibrahimon on Divan Saz!

And remember, "We are all here not to stay!"

To watch this beautiful exchange click HERE !

17/12/2022 - 19:30 to 23:45

Jaune Toujours last concert of 22, oc Marke + DJ Kokonuts

15/12/2022 - 13:00
"I sat down with the effervescent author, dancer and poet Andrea Abreu López, for a video portrait commissioned by Passa Porta, International House of Literature Brussels. Andrea talks about her debut Panza de Burro, which was translated in 10 languages, about how she didn't allow herself to dance for a while and about the special literary voice of the working class."

Sarah Baur made another great video portrait of a writer-in-residence at Passa Porta, this time of young author, dancer and poet Andrea Abreu Lopez ! 

You can watch this portrait by clicking HERE!

06/12/2022 - 10:45
"Ik En Den Theo / Moi Et Le Théo, staat voor het creatieve duo Piet Maris en Théophane Raballand, dat al 15 jaar muziek voor kinderen maakt. Ik kende ze tot nu toe niet en dat is spijtig, want ik heb wat gemist. [...] Uitgaven voor kinderen zoals deze mogen er echt wel wat meer zijn, dat was de teneur in alle recensies. "

"Ik En Den Theo / Moi Et Le Théo, stands for the creative duo Piet Maris and Théophane Raballand, who have been making music for children for 15 years. I did not know them until now and that is unfortunate, because I missed something. [...] Releases for children like this should really be more plentiful, that was the tenor in all the reviews. "

A nice review on the new album by Ik en den Theo/ Moi et le Théo: Onderweg / En Route written by Jen de Groeve of Mappalibri.

To read the full review: click on Mappalibri  or on the pdf document to the right (Deutch).

02/12/2022 - 14:15

Ik en den Theo / Moi et le Théo, Soirée Kadee gc Nekkersdal Laken - spectacle / voorstelling Onderweg/En Route - pictures by Niels Van Tyghem

02/12/2022 - 11:00
" Begin 2022 kreeg ik van Internationaal Literatuurhuis Passa Porta de heerlijke opdracht om korte videoportretten te maken van een aantal auteurs-in-residentie. Voor dit vierde portret sprak ik met de Nederlandse auteur, acteur, regisseur en vertaler Martin Michael Driessen. Hij vertelt over zijn nieuwste boek 'Het licht aan het einde van de loop', over zijn ervaring van Brussel als een soort Gotham City, en over de reeds lang geplande roman 'Liefde in het Derde Rijk', waarvoor hij in Brussel eindelijk tijd kon maken."

" In early 2022, I was delightfully commissioned by International House of Literature Passa Porta to create short video portraits of a number of authors-in-residence.
For this fourth portrait, I spoke with Dutch author, actor, director and translator Martin Michael Driessen.
He talks about his latest book "Het licht aan het einde van de loop" about his experience of Brussels as a kind of Gotham City, and about the long-planned novel "Liefde in het Derde Rijk," for which he was finally able to make time in Brussels."

For the fourth time this year, Sarah Baur created a short video portrait of an author in residence, this time of Martin Michael Driessen.

To watch this report click HERE !

28/11/2022 - 15:00

3'ain is recording new songs at the studio of De Grote Post in Ostend.
Exciting news will soon be arriving ! 

20/11/2022 - 11:00
"Artiestenduo Ik en Den Theo, dat muziek maakt voor kinderen, heeft nieuw werk uit. Onderweg/En Route is een tweetalig album (boek+cd) dat gepaard gaat met een gelijknamige concertvoorstelling."

"Artist duo Ik en den Theo/ Moi et le Théo, which makes music for children, has released new work. Onderweg/En Route is a bilingual album (book + cd) accompanied by a concert performance of the same name."

Reportage Onderweg / En Route by Arthur Bagage !

Thanks BRUZZ for the item and thanks GC Elzenhof for the venue! 

Check out the video HERE ! (in Dutch - captions in English and French)