
07/10/2024 - 15:45
« Jaune Toujours nous fait oublier la morosité pour un temps, grâce à sa musique énergique, dynamique, joyeuse et électrisante... »

Jaune Toujours makes us forget the gloom for a while, thanks to their energetic, dynamic, joyful, and electrifying music…” 

It’s official! If you’re feeling melancholic, “Vertigo” is the cure.

With funky rhythms, soaring brass, and Piet Maris leading the way, Jaune Toujours brings a party vibe filled with meaning and Brussels-style self-deprecation.

Thanks Le Soir ! 

Check out the full review (in French) HERE of on the pdf document to the right.

06/10/2024 - 17:00
"Hier staat inmiddels een zeer goed geöliede machine op het podium die overtuigend laat horen dat de multiculturele samenleving wel degelijk een doorslaand succes is."

“By now, a well-oiled machine stands on stage, convincingly proving that multicultural society is indeed a resounding success.”

VERTIGO by Jaune Toujours continues to make waves!

After receiving attention in newspapers music magazines and music blogs in Belgium and the USA, our new album has now also been reviewed by the Dutch Moorsmagazine.

Thank you !

►Check out the full article (in Dutch) HERE  of on the pdf document to the right.


03/10/2024 - 20:00

Wow, what a night!

Yesterday’s sold-out album release concert at Ancienne Belgique was nothing short of magical, and it’s all thanks to YOU, our incredible audience!

Your warm welcome and the enthusiasm in your words after the show made this evening unforgettable for us.

We’re so grateful for your support and the energy you brought – it’s what makes live music so special. Let’s keep in touch and keep the vibe going! Hope to see you all again soon for more music and shared moments.

Photos by  Dieter Boone and Choux de Bruxelles

03/10/2024 - 17:30
“ is a perfect example of their balance between precision and intuition, moving effortlessly from delicate melodies to moments of raw intensity.”

We’re happy to share a thoughtful review of Otto Kintet’s single by Wax Vynil Records (UK)! As the proud label behind this release, we couldn’t agree more with their take !

If you haven’t heard it yet, this track is a beautiful showcase of Otto Kintet’s unique musical journey on their new album Wildernis, out now. Don’t miss their album release concert on 10/10 at Théâtre Marni! :

►You can read it in full through HERE of on the pdf document to the right.

03/10/2024 - 16:45
« Met een accordeon in plaats van gitaren en een muur van blazers om de energie nog wat op te poken werden hete maatschappelijke hangijzers nooit uit de weg gegaan. Op Vertigo evenmin, zo bleek in een gezellig gevulde zaal met fans, die “zelfs vanuit Ieper - Respect!” op een woensdagavond naar Brussel waren afgezakt. “Het heeft bloed, zweet, tranen en een coronacrisis gekost,” zei de frontman voor hij met ‘Changement du plan’ het concert inzette: “On bougera ensemble ou on ne bougera pas!” »

” With an accordion instead of guitars and a wall of horns to crank up the energy some more, hot social issues were never avoided. Neither at Vertigo, it turned out in a comfortably filled hall of fans, who had “even descended to Brussels from Ypres - Respect!” on a Wednesday night. “It took blood, sweat, tears and a corona crisis,” the frontman said before kicking off the concert with ‘Changement du plan:’ ”On bougera ensemble ou on ne bougera pas!” 

Many thanks to music journalist Tom Peeters for the beautiful report on our concert in the AB - Ancienne Belgique for BRUZZ !

►You can read it in full (Dutch)  through HERE of on the pdf document to the right.

03/10/2024 - 15:30
“Met ‘Wildernis’ levert het Brusselse jazzkwintet Otto Kintet een scherpe observatie van de (menselijke) natuur af. De nieuwe plaat weerspiegelt het traject dat de bandleden samen en individueel aflegden en de metamorfose van hun gelijknamige thuisbasis ‘Wildernis Strmbk’. 'Wildernis' is de eerste release van Otto Kintet op Choux de Bruxelles, label van het gelijknamige artiestencollectief waar Otto Kint deel van uitmaakt als bassist van 3'Ain en waar recent ook het nieuwe album Vertigo van Jaune Toujours verscheen.”

“With 'Wildernis,' Brussels-based jazz quintet Otto Kintet delivers a keen observation of (human) nature. The new record reflects the trajectory the band members traveled together and individually and the metamorphosis of their eponymous home base 'Wildernis Strmbk'. 'Wildernis' is Otto Kintet's first release on Choux de Bruxelles, label of the artist collective of the same name to which Otto Kint belongs as bassist of 3'Ain and where recently Jaune Toujours' new album Vertigo also appeared.”


Thank you Concert Monkey for this review ! 

►You can read it in full (Dutch)  through  HERE of on the pdf document to the right.

02/10/2024 - 20:00

Jaune Toujours presents a brand new album at Ancienne Belgique on October 2nd with a special release concert!
Presale action: ticket + CD = 25€ / ticket + Vinyl = 35€ (album pick-up on the concert night)

info Facebook-event

info & tickets Ancienne Belgique

02/10/2024 - 19:00

Always an honour to be amongst Ian Anderson’s selection of the finest! As he puts it: “The world may be in a tangle but inspiring music keeps arriving. Top up your winter music allowance with the October Podwireless - Local Music From Out There, packed with particularly fine selection of new stuff from the wonderful world of folk, roots music and associated weirdos. No filler, all cherries!”

►Playlink HERE !

01/10/2024 - 16:00
"Ein Akkordeonist jenseits aller Grenzen"

"An accordionist beyond all boundaries"

Piet Maris was interviewed by Araceli Tzigane for !

In this article, find out more about his background and musical projects.

Thank you for this beautiful article !

► Read the interview (in German) with Piet Maris HERE !

30/09/2024 - 15:30
"Take Gogol Bordello, add some funky second line brass orchestration from NOLA, then overfill with ska music, and you’ve got Jaune Toujours. Hailing from Belgium, this music collective masterfully blends ska with jazz, jam band, punk, Balkan folk music, and big brass marching band. The danceable energy will keep your head bopping for the entire album."

Thank You Dane Jackson and Ska, Punk, and Other Junk !