
02/12/2022 - 11:00
" Begin 2022 kreeg ik van Internationaal Literatuurhuis Passa Porta de heerlijke opdracht om korte videoportretten te maken van een aantal auteurs-in-residentie. Voor dit vierde portret sprak ik met de Nederlandse auteur, acteur, regisseur en vertaler Martin Michael Driessen. Hij vertelt over zijn nieuwste boek 'Het licht aan het einde van de loop', over zijn ervaring van Brussel als een soort Gotham City, en over de reeds lang geplande roman 'Liefde in het Derde Rijk', waarvoor hij in Brussel eindelijk tijd kon maken."

" In early 2022, I was delightfully commissioned by International House of Literature Passa Porta to create short video portraits of a number of authors-in-residence.
For this fourth portrait, I spoke with Dutch author, actor, director and translator Martin Michael Driessen.
He talks about his latest book "Het licht aan het einde van de loop" about his experience of Brussels as a kind of Gotham City, and about the long-planned novel "Liefde in het Derde Rijk," for which he was finally able to make time in Brussels."

For the fourth time this year, Sarah Baur created a short video portrait of an author in residence, this time of Martin Michael Driessen.

To watch this report click HERE !

28/11/2022 - 15:00

3'ain is recording new songs at the studio of De Grote Post in Ostend.
Exciting news will soon be arriving ! 

20/11/2022 - 11:00
"Artiestenduo Ik en Den Theo, dat muziek maakt voor kinderen, heeft nieuw werk uit. Onderweg/En Route is een tweetalig album (boek+cd) dat gepaard gaat met een gelijknamige concertvoorstelling."

"Artist duo Ik en den Theo/ Moi et le Théo, which makes music for children, has released new work. Onderweg/En Route is a bilingual album (book + cd) accompanied by a concert performance of the same name."

Reportage Onderweg / En Route by Arthur Bagage !

Thanks BRUZZ for the item and thanks GC Elzenhof for the venue! 

Check out the video HERE ! (in Dutch - captions in English and French)  

07/11/2022 - 15:00

More and more young people in Europe are turning to identitarian and xenophobic parties. How do young artists thematize this evolution?
Two promising artists, Paola Pisciottano and Alexander Deprez, reflect on the rise of far-right.
Watch the documentary Resistance Art by Sarah Baur (for free):

You can choose between versions with Dutch, French or English subtitles

23/10/2022 - 12:00

Jaune Toujours and 30.000 Marchers were at the March for the Climate in Brussels. Thanks a million for everyone's commitment: it was an honour for Jaune Toujours playing their music for this (more than) right cause!

By the way, the band made it to the national news (VRT): "Happy about the turnout" but not about the climate policies though... Let's keep on making noise!

22/10/2022 - 12:00

Amandine Gay is a French writer, filmmaker and afrofeminist and currently the writer-in-residence at  Passa Porta !

In Sarah Baur's video portrait of her, she talks about her new writing project, the importance of residencies, and the inspiration she finds in the work of authors such as Sophie Calle and Lila Quintero Weaver.

You can watch here (Deutch and French) :

27/09/2022 - 12:00

Sarah was able to discuss with other filmmakers selected for the Imagine This Women's International Film Festival.

You can discover this beautiful exchange here : 

25/09/2022 - 17:45

Mec Yek closing off Factorij Festival Zaventem


24/09/2022 - 14:00 to 15:00

24/9 Ik en den Theo / Moi et le Théo, Journée des mille et une langues / Taalhartjesdag Bib Sésame & Sophia, Schaarbeek - spectacle / voorstelling Onderweg/En Route - pictures by Geneviève Ansay

14/09/2022 - 11:00
"Ideal to break the routine when you have to sit in the car for a long time (...) But as said, you can sing the songs just as well alone and together on the bike. In public transport, of course, is another story..."

Marga van der Vet wrote a nice review  for the new album Onderweg / En Route by Ik en den Theo on Boekrecensies Blog.

To read the full review: click on Boekrecensiesblog or on the pdf-document on the right.